Sunday, September 9, 2012 § Leave a comment

Our fear of change has some pretty good arguments on its side.

Not only is there risk of failure everywhere, we often KNOW that things will get worse before they have a chance to get better.

The status quo typically runs with a decent efficiency. To change something meaningfully necessitates that we upset that efficiency. Things will get worse.

Maybe you have a job that’s OK,
a relationship that’s functioning pretty well,
a business model that’s keeping you afloat,
or a golf swing that’s not costing you a ton of balls.

If you are happy where you are, good for you – but then there can’t be any complaining.

If you want more, it’s helpful to recognize that you will need to measure yourself differently as you are going through change than in the efficient static system. Embrace the dip that you have to get through – you can’t avoid it. It’s idiotic to compare your game with past scores when you are in the middle of changing up your golf swing.

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